First Posted 6/25/2022
Did you know itβs possible for anyone in the US48 to communicate with amateur HF radio operators in other US states, the Caribbean, and South America with only a technician license? Thanks to the ten meter (10m) band privileges granted to all technician licensees, you donβt need to spend thousands of dollars on radio equipment or countless hours studying for the general exam to begin receiving those nifty QSL cards cherished by so many hams. With as little as $200 and any type of outdoor antenna space (even a condo balcony), you can use weak signal modes such as FT8 to start getting your callsign heard from thousands of miles away. Hereβs the 7 steps I took to grow my QSL card collection from none to the 56 shown below, using 10m FT8 QSOs with my Technician license in under a yearβs time:
Step 1: Pick out a radio capable of 10m SSB
I decided to go with FT8 as my mode of choice due to its popularity these days. Perhaps the most important item youβll need to begin getting 10m FT8 QSOs is a 10m transceiver capable of Single Side Band (SSB). I chose a used Realistic HTX-100 radio off eBay for about $100 including shipping. Iβve also heard of others having 10m FT8 success with cheaper used RadioShack HTX-10 radios too, but keep in mind you are taking a gamble with used equipment from the internet or a hamfest. If youβd prefer a new radio with vendor warranty, the AnyTone AT-5555N or President Lincoln II will get you on 10m SSB for well under $300. Be careful of the cheapest 10m transceivers out there, many of them do not support SSB, which is necessary for FT8.
If you plan on upgrading to a General class license in the near future, you might be better off purchasing an all-band HF transceiver such as the Xiegu G90, Yaesu FT-891 or Icom IC-718. Those models are all well under $1000 new, or you could also consider purchasing a used Kenwood TS-590 series at a similar price point. There is no right or wrong answer about which all-band HF transceiver to purchase if you go this route, I personally bought a Xiegu G90 due to the built-in tuner and low cost, but Iβll most likely purchase a Kenwood TS-590 someday for the extra SSB power.
Step 2: Obtain equipment that allows your computer to send and receive FT8 on your radio
If youβre buying a brand-new all-band transceiver, chances are the radioβs manufacturer makes a kit you can purchase which will easily allow your computerβs FT8 application to talk with the radio. Thereβs YouTube videos showing how to setup just about any newer all-band transceiver for FT8 nowadays using these first-party adapters, Iβd highly recommend watching many of these before trying to operate on the FT8 frequency yourself.
If youβre buying an older used all-band transceiver or a 10m only transceiver, youβll need to do a little homework on getting the radio to talk with your computerβs FT8 application. This usually boils down to either building a custom solution using a sound card & serial connections or purchasing a third-party adapter such as the TigerTronics SignalLink USB. You can build your own custom solution using a low-cost USB sound card and Raspberry Pi General Purpose Input/Output for around $50-75 if youβre on a budget. Otherwise, going with a manufactured solution like the SignalLink USB will cost around $150.
I ended up purchasing the SignalLink USB as I didnβt want to spend time making & troubleshooting custom cables myself. Another thing to keep in mind is that for only $10-20 more, you can buy factory-made cables & jumpers that will allow the SignalLink to send and receive audio on nearly any UHF/VHF transceiver. This is lovely as you can use the same USB sound card setup to easily decode SSTV from the International Space Stationβs UHF transmissions too!
Step 3: Obtain a 10m antenna
There is no shortage of guides & opinions on how to make a 10m antenna yourself at very low cost in ARRLβs publications or on the internet. However, if you donβt have the time or space to create your own antenna, thereβs many options available for purchase. I chose to buy two MFJ 1610-T βHam Stickβ mobile 10m antennas along with the MFJ-347 adapter, which links them together to form a 14-foot dipole. This is about the maximum amount of antenna I could fit on my condo balcony. It ended up costing about $150 including the cabling, adapters, PVC pipes and U-bolts to install permanently.
Step 4: Obtain an electronic logbook on the internet
Websites such as,, and allow you to create a free online logbook with your callsign. Many consider ARRL Logbook of the World (LoTW) as the βgold standardβ of electronic logging, and I highly recommend signing up for it. However, be advised the LoTW sign-up process involves verifying your callsign via snail mail. It might take weeks to get your callsign setup on LoTW, so make sure you do this early. Trust me; itβs worth the effort to get LoTW setup as soon as you can, since youβll likely want to go for awards such as ARRLβs Worked All States once you get started on HF.
Step 5: Get your QSL cards printed
If you want to receive QSL cards nowadays, chances are youβre going to have to send some first! Using the search engine of your choice, itβs very easy to find QSL card generators which provide templates that can be mass printed by yourself or a local print shop. There are also many vendors available that will print & ship QSL cards for your callsign at a reasonable price very quickly. I asked a small local print shop here in Chicago for help printing my QSL cards, and they were so fascinated by the concept that they improved the design for me! Just make sure you can write on the card if youβre printing yourself or through a local print shop, glossy finish is not ideal.
Below the finished QSL card product from my print shop; however, I wish I included fields for Antenna and Grid Square. I often end up writing these in myself in the extra room near the bottom. Alternatively, you can have no space whatsoever for the various reception report fields, simply printing out all the details on a sheet of labels, then attaching to the card before sending. Whichever method you chose, make sure to sign your signature on both the card (and if applicable, the label containing the QSO data) as thatβs proper etiquette. The standard card size is 5.5 inches by 3.5 inches, however itβs not uncommon to see QSL cards that are larger or smaller.
Step 6: Plug all your gear together and get some QSOs
From my QTH in Chicago, the 10m band is sometimes filled with FT8 activity spanning from Canada all the way down to Argentina. Other times, I barely see any FT8 activity whatsoever. There are many ways to determine if the 10m band is alive or not, and my favorite is going to in the web browser of your choosing. If 10m is one of the top bands at, Iβll hop on the air! If itβs not, I might think twice since I donβt want to waste time getting my station working only to find nobody else on the air.
Once youβve setup all your equipment, obtained an electronic logbook and printed your QSL cards, itβs time to get on the radio! While it might feel overwhelming trying to configure your radio, computer and accessories to talk FT8 with the world, thereβs no shortage of YouTube videos and blogs about FT8 that will help you get going. If youβre stuck, reach out to your local radio club, online ham radio forums, or even the ham radio communities on Discord and Reddit to troubleshoot any problems. I use WSJT-X to do all my FT8 QSOs, but thereβs many other programs out there nowadays to meet the needs of any ham radio operator. Even if the 10m band has no FT8 activity at your QTH for a long time, just be patient, and eventually youβll get a good QSO going with your technician license on the 10m band.
Step 7: Log your QSOs, send out the QSL cards
After youβve exchanged callsigns, grid location, signal reports & 73s, itβs time to log your first FT8 QSO! If youβre using LoTW and WSJT-X, you can simply use the Trusted QSL program provided by ARRL to upload the log file produced by WSJT-X. I like this method the most because after uploading the logs to LoTW, itβs very easy for other electronic logbooks such as to import the LoTW data. Even if youβre only concerned about exchanging QSL cards via direct mail, I still recommend logging everything to LoTW and QRZ anyways simply because it helps other hams going for awards, and maybe youβll want to apply for awards too someday.
QRZ biography pages are an excellent way to determine if the station youβve done a QSO with is interested in sending and receiving paper QSLs or not. Some of the busier stations, especially those on islands, will request you use a bureau or QSL manager. Typically, these busier stations will include specific instructions for that in their bio pages, or they might simply request a self-addressed stamped envelope. Other not-so-busy stations may specifically say theyβll reply to all QSL cards without a self-address stamped envelope, or strictly perform electronic QSL only.
You will find many different opinions on proper etiquette for paper QSL cards, and mine is that if you really want a reply, youβll have a much higher rate of success with sending that self-addressed stamped envelope. Iβll usually include one if the QRZ bio says the ham Iβve communicated with indicates they QSL by mail. If they donβt have any QSL information in their biography, but they have a picture of their own paper QSL card on the website, Iβll often send my QSL card without the self-addressed stamped envelope in the hopes I might get lucky with a reply. If their QRZ bio is empty or if they indicate electronic-only, I wonβt be sending them a QSL card in the mail.
I wish I kept better track of how many QSL cards Iβve sent out over the course of my 100+ QSOs on 10m FT8 in 2021, but I ended up receiving 56 total in return. I would estimate around a 50% return rate is feasible, and it seems to be near 100% when you include a self-addressed stamped envelope to a station that mentions it in their QRZ profile.
10m is more active than ever thanks to the Solar Cycle 25 weather, especially on FT8. That being said, when the solar weather isnβt very good for 10m, you will likely have much more fun getting on the 15m and above bands with a General license. Iβm glad that I got my QSL card collection started with just my technician license, but I wish I got my General license faster as the bands above 15m have quite a bit more activity. Whether itβs a cheap 10m-only radio using a small antenna, or an expensive all-band radio with a large antenna tower, the most important thing in building your QSL card collection is to enjoy receiving them in the mail. It sure is more fun to receive a QSL at the mailbox instead of junk mail & bills!
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The post Growing a QSL card collection on a budget with only a Technician license appeared first on Tom Costello – KD9CPB.