March 29, 2025

The Catalyst8000v is Cisco’s virtual version of the Catalyst 8000 platform. It is the go to platform and a replacement of previous products such as CSR1000v, vEdge cloud, and ISRV. When installing a Catalyst8000v, it comes with a builtin shaper setting the maximum throughput to 10 Mbit/s as can be seen below:

R1#show platform hardware throughput level The current throughput level is 10000 kb/s

This is most likely enough to perform labbing but obviously not enough to run production workloads. You may be familiar with Smart Licensing on Cisco. Previously, licensing was enforced and it wasn’t possible to modify throughput without first applying a license to a device. In releases 17.3.2 and later, Cisco started implementing Smart Licensing Using Policy which essentially means that most of the licenses are trust-based and you only have to report your usage. There are exceptions, such as export-controlled licenses like HSEC which is for high speed crypto, anything above 250 Mbit/s of crypto. To modify the maximum throughput of Catalyst8000v, follow these steps:

R1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)#platform hardware throughput level MB ? 100 Mbps 1000 Mbps 10000 Mbps 15 Mbps 25 Mbps 250 Mbps 2500 Mbps 50 Mbps 500 Mbps 5000 Mbps R1(config)#platform hardware throughput level MB 1000
%No configuration allowed since there is no valid boot level

No changes are allowed until we have set a valid boot level. This can also be seen from show version:

R1#show ver
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.06.03a
Cisco IOS Software [Bengaluru], Virtual XE Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 17.6.3a, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
License Level: License Type: Perpetual
Next reload license Level: Addon License Level: Addon License Type: Subscription
Next reload addon license Level: The current throughput level is 10000 kbps
Smart Licensing Status: Registration Not Applicable/Not Applicable

We have not defined the intended use of this router by setting the license level. Let’s do that:

R1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)#license boot level ? network-advantage License Level Network-Advantage network-essentials License Level Network-Essentials network-premier License Level Network-Premier
R1(config)#license boot level network-advantage ? addon select add-on to include DNA License
R1(config)#license boot level network-advantage addon ? dna-advantage Add-on option DNA-Advantage
R1(config)#license boot level network-advantage addon dna-advantage % use 'write' command to make license boot config take effect on next boot
Building configuration...
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

This is done with the license boot level command. What is important here is to understand that there are two form of licenses, the first type is the perpetual one such as network-advantage. This license allows you to run traditional routing and switching even when your subscription has ended. The second type is the subscription-based licenses such as DNA Advantage. These licenses are needed if you want to run controller mode, for example. If you choose network-advantage, you must choose dna-advantage as the addon. Setting the license boot level requires a reload.

After a reload, we can see that the information has been populated:

R1#show version
License Level: network-advantage
License Type: Perpetual
Next reload license Level: network-advantage Addon License Level: dna-advantage
Addon License Type: Subscription
Next reload addon license Level: dna-advantage The current throughput level is 10000 kbps Smart Licensing Status: Registration Not Applicable/Not Applicable

With the boot level set, it is now possible to modify the maximum throughput level:

R1(config)#platform hardware throughput level MB 1000
%Requested throughput will be set once HSEC authorization code is installed %Throughput has been set to 250 Mbps 

As noted previously, a HSEC license is needed if you need more than 250 Mbit/s of throughput. This would either be included when ordering or if you use an Enterprise Agreement (EA), you would be able to generate one in the EA Workspace.

Finally, let’s verify that the throughput level changed:

R1#show platform hardware throughput level The current throughput level is 250000 kb/s

With this information you should be able to modify the throughput level of your Catalyst8000v. It is of course your responsibility to ensure that you have the proper licenses to be authorized to do so.
